
The SD.HasGroup module offers a versatile and dynamic approach to verifying player affiliations or roles within various frameworks. This module adapts to multiple frameworks, such as ESX and QB/QBX, providing tailored checks for player groups based on predefined or dynamic criteria.


Purpose: Determines if a player belongs to specific groups or roles defined in a game's framework, which may include jobs, duties, or other organizational roles.

  • CheckForDuty: A configurable boolean that, when set to true, requires that players be on duty for their group affiliation to be recognized (relevant in certain contexts like law enforcement roles).


  • source (any): The identifier for the player. Typically a server ID or similar unique identifier.

  • filter (string|table): The group or groups to check against. Can be a single group name, an array of names, or a hash table specifying minimum grades for roles.

Filter Types

  • String: Direct comparison to a single group name.

  • Array: Check against multiple group names; the player must belong to at least one.

  • Hash: Maps group names to minimum grade levels the player must meet or exceed.

Usage Example

Checking Single Group Membership

local isOfficer = SD.HasGroup(source, 'police')

Checking Membership in Any Listed Group

local isInService = SD.HasGroup(source, {'police', 'ambulance'})

Checking Membership with Grade Requirements

local canCommand = SD.HasGroup(source, {police = 5, sheriff = 3})

Cop Callback

SD.Callback.Register('sd-oilrig:server:GetCops', function(source)
    local players = GetPlayers()
    local amount = 0
    for i=1, #players do
        local player = tonumber(players[i])
        if SD.HasGroup(player, Config.PoliceJobs) then
            amount = amount + 1

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