Beekeeping = {}
SD.Locale.LoadLocale('en') -- Load the locale language, if available. You can change 'en' to any other available language in the locales folder.
Beekeeping.Max = { -- Max amount of houses/hives an individual player can have placed down at any time.
Hives = 5, -- Maximum
Houses = 5, -- Maximum
-- Beekeeping Expiration Settings
-- The expiration logic controls the durability of hives and houses over time. (Durability starts at a 100)
-- With the current configuration, the durability of a hive/house decreases by 'DecayRate' every 'DecayInterval' minutes.
-- For example, if 'DecayRate' is 1 and 'DecayInterval' is 60 (minutes), then the durability will decrease by 1 every hour.
-- Adjust these values based on your gameplay needs and server balance considerations.
Beekeeping.Expiry = {
EnableExpiration = true, -- Enables or disables the expiration logic for hives/houses.
DecayRate = 1, -- The amount by which durability decreases each time the decay interval elapses.
DecayInterval = 60, -- Interval in minutes at which the durability decreases by the DecayRate.
RepairCostPerOne = 100, -- The cost to restore one point of durability.
Beekeeping.SavingInterval = 30 -- Interval in minutes at which the hive/house data is saved to the database. (Default: 30 minutes)
Beekeeping.LockAccess = true -- if enabled, lock access to the hive/house to the owner, and allow that owner to add 'collaborators' who will then also have access to the hive/house. If disabled, everyone can access it.
Beekeeping.RaycastingDistance = 10.0 -- Distance in meters that you are allowed to raycast when placing a hive/house.
-- Beekeeping Ped Settings
Beekeeping.Beekeeper = {
Enable = true, -- If enabled, the beekeeper will spawn at the location below.
Location = {
{x = 426.05, y = 6478.9, z = 27.84, w = 234.9},
-- Add more locations as needed (Will Randomize from available locations each script start)
Model = "a_m_m_farmer_01",
Interaction = {
Icon = "fas fa-circle",
Distance = 3.0,
Scenario = "WORLD_HUMAN_STAND_IMPATIENT" -- Full list of scenarios @
-- Blip Creation for Beekeeper if the Beekeeper is enabled
Beekeeping.Blip = {
Enable = true, -- Set to false to disable blip creation
Sprite = 106, -- Sprite/Icon for the blip
Display = 4, -- Display type
Scale = 0.7, -- Scale of the blip
Colour = 33, -- Colour of the blip
Name = "Beekeeper" -- Name of the blip
-- Beekeeping.ExclusionZones: Array of zones where hive/house placement is disabled.
-- Each zone is defined by a central point ('coords') and a 'radius'.
Beekeeping.ExclusionZones = {
{ coords = vector3(426.05, 6478.9, 27.84), radius = 100 }, -- Example Location (Default Beekeeper Location)
-- Add more zones as needed
-- Beekeeping Buying/Selling Settings if the Beekeeper is enabled
Beekeeping.Shop = {
Buy = {
['bee-house'] = 1000, -- Buy Price
['bee-hive'] = 1250, -- Buy Price
Sell = {
['bee-honey'] = 500, -- Sell Price
['bee-wax'] = 750, -- Sell Price
Beekeeping.WorkerThreshold = 10 -- Number of additional workers needed for each multiplier level (eg. if you have 30, it'll be 1.4x Honey Production and so on.)
Beekeeping.Multipliers = {
[1] = 1.2, -- 1st level: 1.2x production
[2] = 1.3, -- 2nd level: 1.3x production
[3] = 1.4, -- 3rd level: 1.4x production
[4] = 1.5, -- 3rd level: 1.5x production
[5] = 2.0, -- 3rd level: 2x production
-- Additional levels as needed
Beekeeping.House = { -- These values are recommanded to be left at defautl to keep a balanced gameplay
CaptureTime = 300, -- Time in seconds to capture a new bee
QueenSpawnChance = 10, -- Chance in % to spawn a queen when capturing new bees
BeesPerCapture = {2, 3}, -- Min and max bees to capture per capture or fix amount
QueensPerCapture = 1, -- Min and max queens to capture per capture or fix amount
MaxQueens = 5, -- Max queens per house
MaxWorkers = 50, -- Max workers per house
Beekeeping.Hives = { -- These values are recommanded to be left at defautl to keep a balanced gameplay
-- Honey
HoneyTime = 600, -- Time in seconds to produce honey & wax
HoneyPerTime = {1, 2}, -- Min and max honey to produce per time
MaxHoney = 100, -- Max honey per hive
-- Wax
ChanceOfWax = 10, -- In percentage what are the chances to get wax on HoneyTime?
WaxPerTime = {1, 2}, -- Min and max honey to produce per time
MaxWax = 20, -- Max wax per hive
-- Bees
NeededQueens = 1, -- Amount of queens needed for the hive to work.
NeededWorkers = 5, -- Amount of workers needed for the hive to work.
MaxWorkers = 50, -- Max workers per hive
Beekeeping.Items = {
QueenItem = 'bee-queen',
WorkerItem = 'bee-worker',
HoneyItem = 'bee-honey',
WaxItem = 'bee-wax',
HiveItem = 'bee-hive',
HouseItem = 'bee-house',
For bzzz's props (free):
For nopixel's props (paid):
Beekeeping.Type = 'bzzz' -- 'bzzz' / 'nopixel' or 'custom'
if Beekeeping.Type == 'bzzz' then
Beekeeping.Props = {
bee_house = 'bzzz_props_beehive_box_002',
bee_hive = 'bzzz_props_beehive_box_001',
elseif Beekeeping.Type == 'nopixel' then
Beekeeping.Props = {
bee_house = 'np_beehive',
bee_hive = 'np_beehive02',
elseif Beekeeping.Type == 'custom' then
Beekeeping.Props = {
bee_house = '',
bee_hive = '',
Beekeeping.Grounds = { -- Acceptable materials for gound (grass, etc) [ DO NOT TOUCH IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING. ]
-2041329971, -- Leaves
-461750719, -- GrassLong
1333033863, -- Grass
-1286696947, -- GrassShort
1144315879, -- ClayHard
-1942898710, -- MudHard
-1595148316, -- SandLoose
-1885547121, -- DirtTrack
-2041329971, -- Leaves
-840216541, -- Rock
-700658213, -- Soil
-913351839, -- Twigs
1109728704, -- MudDeep
1635937914, -- MudSoft
2128369009, -- GravelLarge
951832588, -- GravelSmall
581794674, -- Bushes
510490462, -- SandCompact
Last updated