
Config = {}

-- General Settings
Config.MinimumPolice = 3 -- Minimum Police Required to start the Job!
Config.RunCost = 100000 -- Price for starting the Run
Config.Cooldown = 45 -- Minutes * Recommended to have some form of cooldown!

Config.SendEmail = true -- Starting Email (Only Triggers if Config.EnableMinigame is set to false. when Config.EnableMinigame is true the email event from the minigame will be triggered irregardless of what this is set to.)
-- (if Config.SendEmail & Config.EnableMinigame are false, it'll just put out a Notification and start the Run)

Config.UsingSealedCache = true -- true = will give out Config.Item (eg. Sealed Cache) false = will give out the items listed in 'RewardItems' directly from looting the cache's

if Config.UsingSealedCache then
Config.Item = 'sealed_cache' -- You can change this..
Config.RequiresKeyToOpen = true -- true = requires the Config.KeyItem item to open, false = can be opened whenever.
Config.KeyItem = 'cache_key' -- You can change this..
Config.KeyItemChance = 10 -- % (chance of getting a key, from looting a cache)
Config.ChanceToRemoveKey = 35 -- % (chance to remove the key, upon cache use.)

Config.EnableAnimation = true -- Animation for the talking to the Ped.
Config.FlareTime = 15 -- Minutes (before the flares stop burning..)

Config.RewardAmount = 2 -- The amount of items you get from unboxing the cache/looting the vehicles (Will randomize from Config.RewardItems)
Config.RewardItems = { -- label = what the name will appear as in the notification, item = the actual spawn name of the item
    {label = "Bobcat Keycard", item = "bobcatkeycard"},
    {label = "Cryptostick", item = "cryptostick"},
    {label = "Coke Brick", item = "coke_brick"},
    {label = "Weed Brick", item = "weed_brick"}

Config.CheckForBlackout = false -- Set to true if you want the ped only to be interacted with during a Blackout (currently only supports qb-weathersync)

-- Minigame Settings (Currently only supports qb-phone, you can edit your own system in easily.)
Config.EnableMinigame = true -- true, will direct players to complete the phone numbers minigame instead of directly starting the run. false = directly starts the run
Config.EnableMinigameTimeout = true -- When will the Minigame Timeout (Remove Zones, Blips and clear Variables)
Config.MinigameTimeout = 30 -- Minutes

Config.PhoneBooths = {
    { x = -1224.1, y = -322.62, z = 37.58, heading = 30.0 }, -- Booth 1
    { x = -1073.98, y = -397.78, z = 36.96, heading = 30.0 }, -- Booth 2
    { x = -523.79, y = -299.86, z = 35.35, heading = 30.0 }, -- Booth 3
    { x = -544.16, y = -157.43, z = 38.54, heading = 30.0 }, -- Booth 4

-- Blip Creation for Boss Peds
Config.Blip = {
    Enable = false, -- Change to false to disable blip creation
    Sprite = 480,
    Display = 4,
    Scale = 0.6,
    Colour = 1,
    Name = "Mysterious Person", -- Name of the blip

-- Ped Spawns
Config.BossPed = 's_m_y_uscg_01' -- The model name of the boss ped.
Config.BossLocation = { -- The locations where the boss can spawn.
    [1] = vector4(-1201.16, -266.51, 36.92, 44.09),
    [2] = vector4(1087.24, 244.29, 79.99, 324.59),
    [3] = vector4(866.52, -1997.13, 29.26, 264.41)

-- Boat Settings
Config.EnableBoat = false -- True if you want a boat to spawn in the Alamo Sea
Config.Boatspawn = vector3(2225.68, 4018.5, 36.33) -- Location where the boat will spawn!
Config.BoatTimeout = 5 -- Minutes (Till the Boat blip despawns)

-- Submerged Vehicle Settings
Config.CarModels = {

Config.CarSpawnList = {
    vector3(-3426.81, 1700.72, -61.1),
    vector3(-3604.48, 867.09, -51.46),
    vector3(-3085.08, 2819.58, -35.47),
    vector3(4015.3, 2989.85, -40.09),
    vector3(1992.59, -2970.79, -34.11),
    vector3(-422.34, 7211.27, -35.66),
    vector3(515.15, 7092.08, -17.56),
    vector3(1930.52, 6802.7, -31.53),
    vector3(-1477.38, 5625.07, -24.97)

Last updated